Friday, May 11, 2012

Kylie on Night Patrol - Kylie's post

Friday night as we were heading to the cabin around 9:45pm, we passed by our friend Francis who was just beginning the night shift as the night patrolman.  After hearing his stories of how he had received such little sleep in the past few days as he had been scouring the city for a potential patient to see a plastic surgeon a couple of hours north at a hospital we have been partnering with, I was feeling very sorry that he was having to stay up!  I suggested that Kylie could take his place since she hardly ever seems to fall asleep these days (way too many fun things to work on after lights-out hours)...  Francis loved the idea of having Kylie join him at work, and offered her the chance to do rounds with him on the ship.

This is what she journaled after the hour-long adventure that brought her home at 11:15pm:

Today I went on a round with someone for security and check down.  I got to use a beeper and see all the AC rooms, one of the fire lockers and some other things I donot remember the names of, and better yet, it was Night Patrol!!!!☺☺☺☺  Plus, I think I even went on deck 1 which is totally AWESOME!!!

I also learned a TON of things about how we get our stuff on the containers and where deck people keep their supplies.  Also you have to do five rounds of patrol between 10:00pm and 6:00am and you have to go to deck 6 then 5, then 4, then 3, then 2, and then I think 1, and then you have to go to deck 7 and then you start all over again. ☺☺☺☺☺ 

Other than that I got to see Missy (our friend who works in the OR and had surgery herself last week for suspected appendicitis) and have a lot a lot alot alot alot of fun in language arts and Music!  In Language ARts we recorded a reader's theater play and afterwards we put it in really high voices and all of us DIED laughing! :P  And in music we all created a STOMP rythm and we are going to perform it on Thursday in Quior! 

Well, I"d better go to bed because it is 11:20pm right now! Catch ya later! ☺ Bye!

P.S. I got to go on the elevator to get back to deck 7!!!!!!!☺☺☺☺

☺♥ Peace, love and happiness!

Apparently she had a good time- what do you think?

Here are some photos to accompany her story:
Let's start with a drink!


I LOVE the beeping scanner!


1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! Loved reading about this adventure! Haven't checked in here for a while, I will have to catch up on all your posts... Blessings to you from the Kwongs in Hong Kong!
